
Thursday 21 February 2013

A little fresh in the Bay today - Ivan Ellen tests the water

Terns picking tidbits from the shore break...

as the strong southerly seas pound the beach off Newlyn Green...

out with Ivan Ellen to give the motors a run...

and into the surf...

time to head for the gaps...

and make for...

calmer waters...

take on a few hundred gallons of fuel...

and motor back to her berth on the pontoons...

looks like gaf tape has come in useful aboard the baby William Ste....oh, a big sea has blasted off her name plate...

Sparkling Line lands to a lorry

while another makes a tight turn in the lorry park...

long as Pew et al aren't involved!!!!...

happy in his work, and there's still plenty to do on the Sapphire II...

like grinding out...

and heating up...

what's the collective noun for twin riggers?...