
Saturday 20 October 2012

Sunny Saturday

High water inside and out for the Anthony...

a fine morning for a quick spin round the Bay under sail...

the WSS gets towed into berth so that the gear can be greased...

looks like the Xmas lights team are back in action...

bound away...

the Rosslare lifeboat off to Falmouth to replace a small part - that's a huge round trip for a boat that would burn about £1000 worth of fuel! - might make more sense to fly the part to the boat and fit it locally?...

you have been warned!...

up on the slip, the 'littl 'ol tiger'...

is having some severe cosmetic surgery with a whole hull section of new plates being welded into place...

she's looking tidier at the stern now...

Harvest Reaper sails on the tide...

the clean entry lines of the old Dutch beamer...

lights up...

the Ajax is still in the dock with the gearbox being worked on...

powering up the power boats...

which sport some very fancy stern gear...

and jet propulsion!