
Monday 22 October 2012

Best Monday market with stacks of inshore fish up for auction!

The Sapphire was one of a trio of beamers to land...

with a dollop of delicious dorys... 

and the spottiest of plaice to boot...

inshore fish included boxes of bass and these grey mullet...

the inshore trawlers filled the western end of the market...

which included fish from Mr Nowell's new Imogen II...

caught against the fish market at first light...

with the man himself busy lowering boxes back aboard...

back in port after being sold away, the Georges Johannes is now a very tidy dive cum work boat en-route for Holyhead...

with her huge working deck she is now a cracking working platform...

relief is here...

new net drums for the Imogen II wait on the quay.