
Friday 2 March 2012

Over one million pounds in funding heading to fishermen in Cornwall

Maria Damanki talked of the funding being made available to help initiate change - hot off the press, here is the funding news for Cornwall:

Over £1.13 million of European Fisheries Fund (EFF) money has been secured to support the sustainable development of fishing communities in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly. 

The funding has been made available from the European Fisheries Fund (EFF) and DEFRA through the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), and is managed locally by Cornwall Development Company (CDC). It will be used by the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Fisheries Local Action Group (FLAG) to maximise available private investment to build a sustainable future for local fisheries communities. 

 The FLAG area extends along the entire Cornish and Isles of Scilly coast, plus approximately 1 mile inland. The fund will be available for projects to bid into for investment up to a maximum of 100% of total project costs, depending on the project activity and proposed outcomes. The decision making board will comprise of representation from the local community including fishing, private, public and voluntary sector organisations. 

The FLAG would like to hear from projects that will contribute to one or more of the following key themes: 
 1. Developing sustainable supply chains and market development 
2. Providing infrastructure and communal facilities for fishing communities and cooperatives 
3. Capacity building, cooperative development and networking 
4. Training, retention and recruitment including diversification 
5. Coastal communities, tourism and economic development 
6. Advocacy and engagement for fishermen 
7. Regional sustainable management engagement 

 Projects will have an on-the-ground support mechanism available to them from Cornwall Rural Community Council to aid development and help through the application process. The FLAG recognises that whilst the industry landed over £27m worth of catch last year, the changes it continues to face mean these communities, their residents and workers need a boost to support their well-being. 

 Suzanne Bond, Chief Executive of Cornwall Development Company, says “This fund recognises the importance of fisheries communities in Cornwall & Isles of Scilly. Driving forward the local economy is at the heart of CDC’s mission and the FLAG offers the means to invest in sustainable development at the community level.” 

 Alison Thompson, Director for the Marine Management Organisation said “I’m pleased that, through this scheme the MMO is providing support to local fishing communities, such as in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, to develop and implement their own sustainable solutions to the challenges they face. “The FLAG involves a wide range of representatives and we believe their combined knowledge, experience and ideas could make a real difference to the future of the local fisheries sector. This is reflected in the significant amount of funding awarded to them.” 

 Paul Trebilcock, Chief Executive, Cornish Fish Producers Organisation said “The involvement of the Cornish & Scillies fishing community in shaping the FLAG means that the benefits of the fund will have a real impact locally, regardless of the size of the project”. Peter Jefferson Chief Executive of Cornwall Rural Community Council commented “This funding is a real opportunity for Cornish coastal communities to develop projects that will enable them to become vibrant, sustainable and inclusive, which is our aim as a charity”. 

 For more information and Expression Of Interest forms please contact FLAG Animateur Office by email or telephone 01736 243559.