
Friday 2 March 2012

New fishing course for Cornwall's young unemployed

Youth charity The Prince's Trust is calling on unemployed young people from Cornwall to join a new fishing course to help them into work. This comes as more than one in six young people in Cornwall are unemployed (17%). The Trust is looking for unemployed 16-25-year-olds to take part in a free, three-week Get into Fishing programme, running in Newlyn from 5th March. 

The Seafish accredited course will be delivered by Seafood Cornwall Training, Cornwall's dedicated fish industry training school based in Newlyn and will provide candidates with an introduction to the commercial fishing industry. Those attending the course will learn about onboard procedures, navigation and watch keeping, stability and basic engineering as well as receiving practical tuition in rope work, knots, net mending and fishing gear construction. Young people completing the three week programme will receive a Seafish introduction to fishing certificate for new entrants to the commercial fishing industry, as well as STCW 95 qualifications in Personal Survival Techniques and Elementary First Aid, Seafish certificates in Health & Safety and Fire Fighting and Prevention at Sea and a nationally recognised food hygiene qualification.