
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Working in the lee.

The French boats left trawling south of the Dodman - Neway, Daytona, Erispoe, Testerossa, Bar Avel and Iroise.
When the weather approaches the limits if fishability, those boats remaining at sea seek whatever shelter they can. In the case of these half dozen French boats tracked by VesselTracker AIS they are all towing the same patch of ground south east of Falmouth. Thanks to the Lizard and Land's End peninsulas which provide a small degree of 'cut' from the huge seas rolling in from the Atlantic and.........
from the wind which has been held coming in from the west for more than 24 hours - as seen from the Sevenstones Lightship data. Even so, the work on deck will be made all the more uncomfortable and arduous as the boat will not cease from rolling heavily at all times.