
Wednesday 14 December 2011

Cefas Endeavour back at sea and blogging again.

Catch the latest updates from the Cefas Endeavour as they ride out the stormy conditions on their new hunting ground - the English Channel. The ship is on her final voyage for 2012 - a joint trip with the JNCC .

The teams sailed on Cefas Endeavour from Lowestoft on the morning tide on Saturday (10/12/11) with a multidisciplinary team of scientists including marine ecologists, fisheries scientists, plankton taxonomists and acoustic specialists. Also joining us on this survey are colleagues from The Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC).

The main aim of the survey is to assess/monitor the effects of a range of human activities on seabed habitats in three regions; The Eastern English Channel, The Outer Thames and The Dogger Bank. See the blog for full details here: