
Sunday 12 June 2011

Newlyn Mission birthday breakfast bash - though not a tattie scone, Lorne sausage, or fruit pudding in sight!

While some eyes are on BBC1's Saturday Morning Kitchen where Rick Stein is looking at the salted anchovy in Italy on the Missions TV.........
as the best brown mugs of tea are served, it's smiles all round for Gillian, wife of Newlyn Mission skipper Keith and the family as they tuck into a breakfast feast for her 50th birthday - shades of the  banquet at Leadenhall Market that they recently attended as guests of chef Paul Ainsworth, winner of the Great British Menu's dessert course........
ice and go for the port's latest stern trawler, L'Ogien.........
if you want to extend your eating palate then Harvey's can supply a good selection of Spider crab at the moment.......
once a common site around the coast of Cornwall, gathering seaweed for use as fertiliser on farm land - coming up for auction at WH Lane's in Penzance.......
looks like a good year for the brown trout population in local rivers.

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