
Thursday 16 December 2010

Jim seems happy enough!

Jim Portus, representing the South West Fish Producer's Organisation seems pleased with the results of Richard Benyon's efforts in Brussels, has said that altogether the deal is one that gives cause to celebrate.

“Twenty-four hours ago the Minister and his team were not optimistic, yet they have secured the best possible outcome for Channel and West trawlermen.
The same sentiments are echoed aboard the beamer fleet in the Devon port of Brixham it seems.
"Of course, you must note that I am speaking only for SWFPO members and fishermen whose area of operation is the English and Bristol Channels. Other fishermen in other sea areas may tell a different tale and some will bemoan the results for their fisheries and catch opportunities.

"I do think, however, that in all sea areas the results of this Council of Fisheries Ministers are the best that the Minister and his team could have achieved given the seemingly impossible task he was presented with just 48 hours ago!”
Reactions from the Newlyn where the majority of vessels are members of the CFPo are not yet forthcoming.

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