
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Monthly catch limits - information needed from the Under 10m sector.

Here's some good news from the MMO - especially ahead of the impending implementation of 'Conservation Zones' which many are concerned will turn small fishing ports in to ghost towns on the back of drastically reduced catching opportinites - especially for the under 10metre sector who's landing figures for the year seldom amount to a single haul on larger vessels - see the Countryfile report on BBC last week where a single 1000 ton haul aboard a Scottish mid-water vessel made close on £1 million pounds. In this instance a satisfactory resoltion was reached - but things could have been different for the Cornish handline fleet.

Inshore fishermen need to be proactive in protecting their livelihoods - despite the past, every effort must be made to stay in touch with current events and pre-empt in any way changes to quotas and fishing oppportunites - and one way of doing so is by becoming involved in any way that the MMO or CEFAS offer.

The MMO are currently seeking involvement from the Under 10m sector with regard to catches - with no information, Defra, CEFAS and ultimately the EU will make decsions based on the data available - with no dat things are even morte likely to go against the wishes of the small boat sector.

Here's the latest from the MMO:

Information needed - monthly catch limits:

We’re encouraging fishermen from the under 10 metre fleet and the nonsector to help us to manage quotas and monthly catch limits. We’d like you to send us comments, ideas or any information you think is relevant for us to consider when we’re setting monthly catch limits.

Quota manager, Estelle Groark, said: "We’d like your views and information to improve our understanding of what’s happening around the coast and to inform our decisions. We’d particularly like to know about local factors which are important for your fishing community." We won’t be able to respond to individual emails, but can assure you that your views and information will be considered when deciding the next round of monthly catch limits. So,please send information before the 15th of each month to:

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