
Tuesday 16 November 2010

Defra & MMO - Fisheries Focus

The Defra and MMO marine fisheries newsletter

Keep up to date with the MMO's fisheries newsletter, dowloadable form their web site. The current issues has links to another useful section on the site - catch and landing statistices.

UK fishing industry statistics:
Last month we published the annual UK Sea Fisheries Statistics for 2009. The report includes detailed data on the UK fishing fleet, the number of fishermen and the quantity and value of fish landings, imports and exports. It also provides the latest scientific assessments of the state of key fishing stocks and their sustainability. The statistics will help to inform Government policy making and changes to the Common Fisheries Policy.

Overall, the statistics reveal that quantities of fish landed in the UK were slightly down on last year, but the total value of fish landed increased.
Fish exports increased by 15%, while imports fell by 8%.

You can find out more at: fisheries/statistics/annual.htm

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