
Saturday 18 April 2009

The land that time forgot

Looking along Penzance Promenade, a sign that summer is on the way as the temperature difference between sea, land and air collide and cause Newlyn to disappear.....
where two early morning walkers and Tom are silhoutted against the hazy sun.....
as a gull takes to the clearing air....
yet another weekend trip for the Cornwall Sea Fisheries Protection vessel, St Piran who may get to use the heavy sea mist as cover while it lasts.....
bent derrick number four straightened and painted ready to go back aboard.....
Srping cleaning mode for the harbour......
and another sign of the times, the Spiders are on the move again.....
are these Newlyn's very own weapons of mass destruction being forged in the workshop.....
causing much mirth as a bacon butty gets to pose for SeafoodandEatIt's web site latest picture shoot....
Newlyn appears from the mist as it begins to lift.

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