
Friday 16 November 2007

Ten years go this week....

Crew from the visiting ex-sidewinder Hatherleigh get the lowdown on the new crab boat being built from the hull of the Sarah Shaun...
On the news today, pollack sales are up 44% according the latest figures thanks to TV chefs promoting the fish - all good news for the guys who catch line caught pollack!
down the new quay, the George Johannes gets her derrick hanging blocks greased....

it's a Thursday market, and a quiet one at that, the western end of the market with not a box of fish in sight..... Nelwyn's fisherman's memorial looks out over the bay in the early hours, its ten years ago this week that local beam trawler, Margaretha Maria went down south of the Lizard, with the loss of all hands.

Morlaix registered trawler Cap Frehel makes her way into Newlyn for repairs.

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