
Wednesday 14 November 2007


Up on the slip in the early hours after landing this morning, PZ999 the Jannie En Klaas gets a scrub on the bottom....
on the auction floor Mr Murley gets to talk fish as one of the Jannie En Klaas' cod watches from below.....
this was another one of those days with more empty boxes than full ones on the market floor - Wednesday is always a bad day for export fish because of the transport might be well into November, but with the sea temperature around 13 degrees C the Battery Rock swimmers are out in force!


  1. My Uncle Peter is the skipper of theis boat.

    Reagards Maggie Jilbert

  2. Hi Maggie
    Many thanks for the information on your Uncle Peter!

  3. I think she is also the sister boat The Pietje Antje J117 that sunk in 1980 losing 3 crew. They were built in the same boat yard in Holland at the same time. My dad was one of the crew who was lost. I would love to take a look around her some time...... Cos people say she looks just like her sister!!

  4. Hi Bustersmaid, I'm sure her skipper, Peter Mitchell would be only to pleased to show you around the Jannie whenever you are down in Newlyn!

  5. That would be wicked!! I will be down within the week!!

    Oh yeah I have just realised..... The Jannie was rasied out of the water fo her make over 27 years to the day that the Pietje ntje was lost.... How weird is that! LOL

  6. If you contact Stevenson's office I am sure they will tell you when she is due to land back to Newlyn!

  7. That would be wicked!! I will be down within the week!!

    Oh yeah I have just realised..... The Jannie was rasied out of the water fo her make over 27 years to the day that the Pietje ntje was lost.... How weird is that! LOL

  8. My Uncle Peter is the skipper of theis boat.

    Reagards Maggie Jilbert


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