There's resistance from the French industry to any form of video surveillance - only part of the story in the maritime journal, Le Marin as the paper is behind a firewall.
The State wants to impose cameras on board fishing vessels "at risk" for cetaceans The Minister of the Sea and Fisheries Fabrice Loher plans to impose the boarding of cameras on "a sample of ships" carrying devices that pose a risk to cetaceans.
Letters are currently being sent to the shipowners concerned. Professionals consider this decision to be a red line.
In a message published on Tuesday, October 22 on the social network Whatsapp, Sébastien Le Prince, vice-president of the Finistère departmental fisheries committee, protests against the decision of the new Minister Delegate for the Sea and Fisheries, Fabrice Loher, to impose the installation of cameras on fishing vessels. This measure will not prevent the accidental capture of small cetaceans, but on the contrary goes against the ethical principles of work at sea.
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