
Friday 30 August 2024

Bountiful, final #FishyFriday in Newlyn - with bluefin tuna and sardines galore!

 It's a busy end to August for fish landings in Newlyn...

with more settled weather the sardine boats like the Pel;agic Marksman

and the Inter-Nos have made landings every night this week...

though the fish have proved hard to catch during this neap tide and the boats have sometimes drawn a blank or had to shoot their net three or more times to make a landing...

landings from every sector of the fleet filled the market from end to end...

along with five bluefin tuna in the inshore fridge - the biggest weighing in at 225kg!..

with mackerel landings still precarious these four boxes will no doubt make good money...

even scad prices are holding up...

this year has not seen the number of Mediterranean octopus landed like last year but this didn't stop the big beamer from catching one...

what's the guessing these will be on sale in Hackney at the weekend?!.

rammed with fish...

mainly hake from the netters...


Silver Dawn...

and the seiner Acionna...

inshore gurnards are always a dark red colour...

while this conger is almost black...

more beam trawl fish like monk, lemons and Dovers filled the middle bay of the market...

as yet more sardines were shipped ashore.