
Friday 14 June 2024

Much fish from Thursday to #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

A dull start to the day with 40mph. winds and heavy rain forecast later, so much for Flaming June!..

there's a bevvy of boats having maintenance or MCA work on the hard...

many of the visiting Scottish prawn boats land head-on monk...

along with plenty of haddock...

more monk...

and John Dory...

no telling which kind of boats these ray came from...

good to see the Katy B taking part in the pollack survey...

koi carp like red mullet...

and two types of bream...

a good selection of tagged bass...

and some hard-won mackerel...

the visiting boats keep coming, the BM registered, Elizabeth of Ladram

and scalloper...

Lass O'Doune

prawner Jacqueline Anne will sail on the tide...

a quiet time for the crabbers...

and a short break for the inshore trawl boats...

while it is landing time for the netter, Govenek of Ladram...

interesting set of doors for a local inshore boat...

through to Friday morning and, for the moment, the strong winds and grey skies have moved on...

there were nearly 40 tons of fish landed between the two days...

a few cracking seine-caught cod...

and red mullet from the seiner...

inshore red...

some of the prawners do land monk tails...

perfect plaice...

and scores of boxes of quality haddock...

the weather has kept many of the handline guys tied up so the fridge was well down on supliies of the very finest fish this morning...

with just a few boxes of mackerel...

no great numbers of these guys yet, which will be good news for the inshore lobstermen!...

she's a fine looking crabber...

below the waterline on the Serene Dawn...

and a view across the harbour from below the market.