
Friday 31 May 2024

Plenty of fine fish for the final May #FishyFriday auction!

Trinity house service vessel Galatea at anchor with a deck cargo of cardinal buoys...

Penzance promenade, the only prom in Cornwall showing off its new set of flags...

plenty of fish on the market at the end of the week with, unusually, monk tails...

John Dory...


and monk cheeks from prawn boats...

quality flats from the local beam trawler, Cornishman...

while the inshore boats found some bass...

while the lack of mackerel is evidence is evident that this is not een the bttom of a ox covered by one of the finest proponents of the art of handlining in the area...

to keep the restaurants happy there were however plenty of red mullet...

and even a few weavers...

to go with the seriously tasty ray wings...

and megrim sole...

hopefully this fender will provide some pier protection when put in place...

the Brit is on the slip...

the paint job on the lighthouse is not yet completed...

heavy gear on the prawn boat Daystar.