
Friday 22 March 2024

'Tiz a mizzly #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

I suppose you could call it a Silver Dawn, more a dull grey really...

on a brighter note, there are tons of top quality fish up for auction this morning like these shiny silver haddock ...



and head-on monk from the seiner...

as Tristan and boys land their week's work...

for the inshore boats, there seem to be endless supplies of ray...

of one sort...

 or another...

while the netters also target fish like this cracking turbot...

or save their monk cheeks...

bull huss, could be called the 'greater spotted dogfish'...

pristine tails...

and enough Dovers from the big boat's trip that would match an inshore trawler's landings for an entire year...

seine net red mullet always look good...

signs of shells on the move...

a shining example of a ling...

along with more hake from the netter Celtic Dawn...

and Stelissa...

plenty of tub gurnard this morning...

and a good selection of brill, turbot and other flats...

just the one black bream though...

and not even a box of JDs...

cuttles don't get much bigger than this before they die...

he's hoping someone will toss him a fish for breakfast, with today's prices he may have a long wait...

not much sign of it brightening up just yet!