
Monday 18 March 2024

Operational Notice - Keep Newlyn Flowing Smoothly!

As the winter weather ceases to bring in an endless series of gales it looks like this ear could see a record number of visiting boats using Newlyn.

As things get busier around the harbour, we want to ensure everyone has a smooth and efficient experience. Here are a few friendly reminders to help us keep things running like clockwork:

Heads Up on Arrivals and Departures: To help us plan berthing efficiently, please let us know at least 24 hours in advance if you're arriving or departing. Just a quick text or call to the Ops phone on 07771 394530 will do the trick!

Landing and Loading Zones: Remember, berths at the Market, Iceworks, and the end of the Mary Williams Pier are for loading and unloading your catch only. Once finished, please move your vessel to allow others to use these essential areas. Of course, if you need to stay longer, just let us know and we'll see what can be arranged.

Keeping the Berths Clear: For all other berths, it's important that your vessel can be moved quickly when directed. This ensures everyone has access when they need it.

Gear on the Mary Williams Pier: We understand the importance of mending nets and changing gear. To keep things safe and accessible for everyone, please try to keep your gear as close to the edge of the pier as possible, and only for the time needed. This way, lorries and crew can easily access the ladders and surrounding areas.

By working together, we can keep our harbour a thriving and productive hub for everyone!