
Friday 1 March 2024

First #FishyFriday in March - in like a lion!

Them is some serious showers heading towards the Lizard this morning...

though things aren't looking much better closer to home...

with the netters in port over the big tide, all this morning's fish like these huge Dovers was from trawl and beam trawl boats...

ink everywhere, a hazard for the delicate scales and skin of red mullet when the cod end is also full of cuttles...

first time landing for the Belgian beam trawler...

Artevelde on the market...

tradition has it that these boats hang their cod ends up to dry once the boat is back in port and tied up...

she arrived on the sole ground off Trevose earlier this week, 15 hours after leaving Ostend at midnight on the 23rd of February...

and landed yesterday, the usual mix of flats that you would expect from fishing up-channel...

whereas Our Charlie Mia fished much closer to home just south of Lands End...

making up the landings of top quality fish was the St Georges with these cracking monk tails...

big fish, big tail...

a few inshore boats managed to brave the weather and catch a few oily fish like these herring...

and mackerel...

one fine flat...

the scourge of the deckhand that gets to wash down the fishroom or market floor, cuttle ink gets everywhere...

once upon a time, when there were nearly 30 beam trawlers working from the port, megrim soles were the premier species by value landed in Newlyn...

monk tails ran a close second...

visiting inshore boats, Four Sons and the Jacqui A...

also a long way from home, the seine netter Acionna...

and the Enterprise at rest...

time to step aboard, young Mr Pender gets a helping hand...

from St Georges skipper Peter Elsworth...

modern hulls dwarf those of old...

"back to back they faced each other".