
Thursday 22 February 2024

Newlyn harbour, full of fish and full of rain!

About to enter the gaps, the Carhelmar, and away on the horizon and just visible through the driving rain, the Rachel of Ladram passes the Low Lee buoy...

about to join the Silver Dawn landing at the fish market...

which was stacked  high with boxes for auction...

with fish like beam trawl caught monk tails...

and red mullet...

but the bulk of the fish like these pollack...

and hake from the Ygraine came from the fleet of gill netters that operate from Newlyn...

which includes the Britannia V...

Annie May...

Kerrie Marie...

many of these fish landed barley 48 hours old...

and still with all their scales...

along with the very best eating fish like these John Dory...


and megrim sole...

the seiner Acionna has been picking up good shots of red mullet...

driving rain almost shrouds the Rachel of Ladram from view...

name this fish...

unlike beam trawlers, seine netters can catch decent quantities of hake when they cover the ground...

and the beam trawlers occasionally pick up good shots of red mullet at this time of year...

and big plaice...

time to jump ashore and land the catch...

ready for the buyers to load their vans...

 a brace of netters landing in the rain.