
Monday 19 February 2024

Four seasons in four days and a mizzly Monday morning's market in Newlyn.

Landing time for the...

demoted blue boat, now just plain Gordon...

as she lays astern of the gorgeous varnished Britannia V...

an adventure playground for some harbour residents...

always good to see the lifeboat on her mooring...

Stelissa, heading for the ice works before she sails...

seems the sun shines only on the righteous...

the historic Old Harbour will be looking for volunteers to help with the planned restoration of its quay and slipways...

a precursor to it becoming a centre for the local lugger fleet, not just the Barnabas seen here on her mooring..

come Monday and netters like the Ajax have found plenty of hake...

as has the Silver Dawn...

with hundreds of boxes filling Zone One...

from the Ygraine...

Celtic Dawn...

and the seiner Accionna...

which also landed a cracking haul of red mullet...

other quality fish like this huge tub gurnard...

monk tails...


and Dovers from a mix of inshore trawlers and the beam trawler Trevessa V...

the handliners and small inshore boats dipped into a few shoals of herring...

and good sized mackerel...

as did the sardine fleet working over the weekend...

all of which helped fill the market from end-to-end

with seasonal roes and unseasonal John Dory, there's always a few to be had if you know where to go...

as ever, the netters picked up spurdog - for years hundreds of tons were dumped back over the side until a monthly quota was introduced to allow boats to land some of what they catch rather than dump the entire catch back...

hopefully, the 500kg a month by-catch quota that the over 10m boats have will ensure that too much pollack does not end up back on the seabed in the coming months - March will be a critical month as all these big fish gather to spawn.....

unlike beam trawlers and cuttles...

just in to land in the heavy Monday morning mizzle, Mitch with the Govenek of Ladram...

who came to find there was no room in Zone 3 to put his fish...

ahead of Mitch, Ed on the Joy of Ladram also had a good shot of hake to put ashore for tomorrow's auction...

there's a soul sole on the seabed...

a brace of netters landing to the fish market.