
Wednesday 7 February 2024

Calling all fishermen - can you help Improve PFD Design?!

The shortcomings of the current pfd design are immediately obvious - they restrict foul-weather clothing which makes wearing one restrictive and uncomfortable when the wearer is exerting themselves handling gear, they have the potential to catch or be caught on net or fittings and they add to the general bulk of clothing worn on the working deck.

Give us your suggestions here!

Roll up roll up! Anyone (there's a lot of you) with ideas on how to design a PFD that is more appropriate for fishing, here's an opportunity to contribute your knowledge to folks who will listen. The NFFO are undertaking some research with the ultimate aim of producing an updated, more fit for purpose PFD design to help keep fishermen safe. This is an industry led, industry focussed initiative. 

NFFO has asked Assenti Research to carry out this research to improve PFD designs for commercial fishing.

Everyone who takes part in the research has the option to enter our prize draw to win £100.

The survey is anonymous and confidential. For any queries or difficulties accessing the survey contact