
Monday 8 January 2024

Crystal clear and cloudless cool blue sky greeted the harbour this fine first Monday morning market in Newlyn for 2024...

pretty much stacked end-to-end with fish...

inlcuding good trips of hake from the Silver Dawn...


and Ocean Pride...

along with plenty of dogs and smoothounds...

inshore boats spiced up the variety of fish with spider crab...


and bass...

while the three big netters came back with plenty of good haddock...

and these superb whiting...

inshore trawlers like the Guardian found good signs of ray...

but just a handful of that summer favourite, John Dory...

there's still no let up in landings of these tasty beasts either...

or line caught squid...

and inshore red mullet...

red tub gurnards were there to be had by the netters and a small by-catch of pollack...

judging by the ink-black market floor there must have been plenty of cuttlefish put ashore by the beam trawler, Cornishman

was it really that cold?..

promising signs for the cuttlefish season later in the year, crab pots laden with plenty of eggs!