
Monday 11 December 2023

Sardines galore in Newlyn!

It's an early start taking ice for the bluefin tuna boat, Prospector...

as the first of the sardine boas sets up to land at he fish market...

the morning's auction had a good selection of fosh from the beam trawler Cornishman...

which inlcuded some good looking fkats...

and livers...

plenty of big haddock from the netters like the Ocean Breeze...

and cuttles from the beamer...

they're still about...

not so many mackerel though...

but some good shots of line caught squid...

and bass...

there's fresh and there's blood-red fresh...

those pesky dogs are everywhere and impossible to avoid...

hake were plentiful...

as were beam trawl red mullet...

now this specimen was a different kettle of fish - thought to be a member of the jack family = it might look like a member of the tuna family but is in fact a member of the caraingidae not scombridae like mackerl and tuna from Florida!..

so much so that the bible of all saltwater fish bibles had to be consulted - without a definitive answer - even had Lionel flummoxed!..

more hake from the Ocean Pride...

Britannia V...

and Stelissa...

and Ajax...

cracking Cornish plaice...

how about that for a fat sardine?!!...

from the Charlotte Care...

plenty more from the Mayflower...

and Serene Dawn...

Golden Harvest...

and Lyonesse...

as the sun comes up...

keeping an eye on proceedings......

as the morning's work...

is brailed ashore and into the waiting tubs...

all the action in a morning time-lapse - keep an eye out for the seal enjoying a freebie breakfast!