
Saturday 16 December 2023

Latest news - Fisheries management plans.

Fisheries management plans (FMPs) set out the plans and policies to secure the long-term sustainability of UK fish stocks.

Fisheries management plans (FMPs) are evidence-based action plans, developed in collaboration with the fishing sector and other stakeholders. Their purpose is to deliver sustainable fisheries for current and future generations.

The first 5 FMPs were published in December 2023.

FMP consultations

All fisheries management plans (FMPs) will go through a public consultation, giving interested parties the opportunity to give their views.

Consultations for the first 6 FMPs opened in July 2023 and closed on 1 October 2023.

We are still analysing responses to the consultation on the Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel mixed flatfish FMP.

Southern North Sea and Eastern Channel mixed flatfish: proposed fisheries management plan consultation

The Fisheries Act 2020 requires the UK fisheries policy authorities (Defra, and the devolved administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales) to publish fisheries management plans (FMPs) to help deliver our ambition for sustainable fisheries.

This paper sets out how Defra will prepare and publish its FMPs for the waters around England.

List of Fisheries Management Plans