
Saturday 2 December 2023

It's December the 1st #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

All is dark as harbour staff make their way keenly towards the market counting down the days when they won't be washing boxes first thing every morning...

not much fish today says auctioneer Ryan...

what there was came from a handful of inshore boats that toughed out a poor day at sea for a few pollack...



red mullet...

and a handful of the omni-present dogs...

some good sized tub gurnard...

ray wings...

and mackerel...

there's a name form the past, at one time the port's only fly-seiner......

it's almost high water and the New Venture is waiting to dry out later in the day for work below the waterline...

nearly all of the netting fleet are still in waiting to take ice and start the final tide before the Christmas market closedown...

not that the big tides stop the crabbing fleet...

 from going to sea...

long before the sun puts in an appearance in the bay named after this large lump of rock...

always good to see youngsters joining the fleet, even if they have to fly halfway around the world to start work...

its a happy bunch aboard the good ship Ocean Pride...

berthed ahead of another crabber taking bait from the market...

to take ice...

no doubt the rest of the netting fleet will follow suit during the day....

after boats like the Kelly of Ladram and Ocean pride have taken ice.