
Tuesday 21 November 2023

UK Gov Unveils Measures to Safeguard Southwest Crawfish Stocks

 UK Gov Unveils Measures to Safeguard Southwest Crawfish Stocks.

The decision was taken after a co-design workshop with fishers and considering consultation responses from the draft crab and lobster fisheries management plan.

This decision aims to ensure short and long-term sustainability of the stock so that industry can continue to generate income from the valuable species in future.

On 3 October 2023 MMO brought fishers and government together to discuss short-term solutions after industry raised concerns about changes to the fishery that they feared threatened the sustainability of stocks.

Crawfish, like lobster and crab, are transported alive in vivier tanks by road and air.

Landings have increased sharply over the last five years while the fishing season has extended into winter and there has been a rise in the number of larger vessels with a bigger catching capacity targeting the species.

Richard Hoskin, Head of Sustainable Fisheries at MMO, said: "The recent changes in the fishery, alongside its previous history of cycles of boom and bust, suggest that urgent intervention is required.

"We have worked closely with industry to understand their preferred solution and held a workshop to go through the benefits and disadvantages of two potential measures - an increase in MCRS and a seasonal closure.

"There was unanimous support for an increase in MCRS as a measure that would bring benefit to stock. There was also some support for a seasonal closure, with questions surrounding the timing of a potential closure."

How long has this 3.4kg craw been stalking the sea bed?

Consultation description 2023 consultation Background The fishing industry shared concerns regarding the recent increase in crawfish (Palinurus spp) landings coupled with an observed increase in the size of the fishery.

MMO held a co-design workshop on 3 October 2023 with fishers to discuss the current issues with the southwest crawfish fishery, and proposed options for management in the short-term.

Consultation Following this MMO has opened a consultation on a potential seasonal closure of the crawfish fishery. The potential closure would seek to prohibit the retaining and landing of crawfish in English waters of ICES area 7 for all UK and EU vessels using all gear types.

MMO is proposing the following potential closure periods for consideration:

  • No closure
  • Mid December 2023 to 31 May 2024: This would provide the greatest protection to crawfish.
  • 1 January 2024 to 31 May 2024: This would allow fishing for the Christmas market.
  • 1 January 2024 to 31 March 2024: This would align with the French (Brittany) crawfish closure.

The rationale for the closure is to:

  • Offer protection for breeding and spawning opportunities.
  • Reduce the risk of high mortality rates from catching fish that are in poor condition and from the potential of long net soak times or net loss in poor weather. Support future growth in the population by allowing settlement of juvenile stock.

This consultation has been drafted following scientific advice, engagement with the fishing industry, Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities, and UK Fisheries Administrations. This consultation supports the work of the crab and lobster fisheries management plan.

The consultation is open from 13 November to 27 November 2023. To respond to this consultation and access further information, please see below.

What happens next? 

MMO will review all the information received during the consultation and will publish a summary of the responses and the decision on whether to close the crawfish fishery and when a closure might occur. Any closure will be enacted by a licence variation.

Here's the background reading:

Crawfish (Palinurus spp) seasonal closure consultation – Response to southwest crawfish industry workshop

Consultation on seasonal closure of crawfish fishery in ICES area 7 - Information Sheet