
Tuesday 24 October 2023

Urgent - MCA Medical Assessment - Harbour Master Assessmments and Sea Survival Certificate

This is a shout out from NUTFA to fishermen who are currently sorting their MCA medicals out.


"Please would any fisherman make contact with me if he/she has submitted evidence to the MCA medical assessor based on harbour master evidence. I am also seeking fishermen to come forward who have been asked to have a Sea Survival Course in order to obtain an ML5 medical certificate. I understand on both aspects that there are many.

I am concerned regarding potential insurance aspects of those fishers who now have a medical certificate issued on harbour master evidence and would wish to direct the fishers back to the medical assessor and MCA for clarification on the position that they now find themselves in with the withdrawal of support from harbour masters across the country to support evidence towards the medical assessment process. I have been advised by the Harbour Master Association that such evidence submitted is "null and void" and from the advice that NUTFA have taken on the insurance aspect of this difficulty, NUTFA are deeply concerned on the potential issues now at play with regard to potential insurance litigation in the future.

Secondly, I would like to collate numbers on the amount of fishermen who have been advised by the MCA medical assessor to obtain a Sea Survival Certificate as a requirement of the medical examination, particularly where the wet drill in the pool will be difficult or impossible due to conditions such as eczema, pneumonia, long covid, inability to swim, etc. I am also unclear on numbers as to whether the fishing training system will be able to cope with the number of fishermen now seeking to undertake a Sea Survival course imminently and again welcome data on numbers."

Thank you as always for the data/info which is making a huge difference on the current campaign. 

Thanks in anticipation. 

Please email on or WhatsApp as usual on 07402 089170. 
Sarah Ready NUTFA