
Monday 16 October 2023

Much fish on the market this Monday morning in Newlyn

Autumn has definitely arrived in the far south west with strong winds and all the usual seasonal shipping forecast stuff headed this way, not much for the inshore guys to cheer about...

but for now, the market was chocker with fish from all sectors of the fleet...

with plenty of MSC certified fish like these hake from the Silver Dawn...

and the Ocean Pride...

like it or not, the gillnetters are still being plagued by spurdogs...

and the odd blue...

cod are never caught in sufficient quantities to keep more than a handful of local chippies supplied...

while over the last twenty five years haddock landings have increased from almost nothing historically to more than enough to make a great substitute...

and gurnard are now a firm favourite with many diners...

while ray are never off the menus locally...

another close shave with some harder ground, three boxes of congeros...

flats like plaice, Dovers, lemons and monk tails...

stacked high and ready to go...

inshore John Dory...

and still they keep coming...

they might not be worth as much as gold but these silver-skinned bass are up there with the best...

while grey mullet provide a culinary challenge for some...

two big goody bags each containing well-iced 70kg bluefin are the result of long day's work well offshore for the Prospector and skipper Adam Harvey...

get the tape measure treatment from the MMO which provides them with invaluable data on this latest fish to move from being banned to being landed...

while the Asthore was the only ring netter to catch bluefin over the weekend, a monster of a fish...

FYI, your boxes have arrived...

it's cuttle season...

there are good shots of plaice coming ashore...

and a few of these big fellas...

a sign of very fresh fish...

roast or curried, monk tails take on all kinds of cooking...

two of the remaining few local beam trawlers are up ahead this morning...

with the wind farm cat, Spectrum 3 in for shelter outside the Cornishman busy taking fuel for her next trip...

as is the St Georges...

well, Ian 'all hail the hake' Mitchell just had to one bigger in the netters', "whose got the biggest bum' competition with a re-modelled Govenek of Ladram!