
Thursday 26 October 2023

Fishermen - Please take a few minutes to give your opinion on Discards Policy and Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)

Fishermen - Please take a few minutes to give your opinion on Discards Policy and Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM)

Seafish/Cefas – Commercial Fishing Gear Survey This joint Cefas / Seafish survey is for active commercial UK fishers, working in all fisheries. The aim of this 10 minute survey is to gather fishers views on changing their fishing gear to minimise unwanted catches. This includes improvements already made and the potential to make new changes. We are interested in the experiences of fishers when trying to change gear, including the obstacles and benefits.

There are also questions on accessing fishing gear information, to help us understand fishers’ needs to support a transition to more sustainable fishing practices.

The results will be published in a joint Seafish-Cefas report, which will contribute to the responses to the Defra consultations on Discards Policy and Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM). In addition, these results will be discussed by the UK Gear Forum and help to inform its work programme.

The survey will be live for six weeks (closing Friday 17th November 2023).