
Thursday 31 August 2023

Working in the industry - Fish Safe videos.

Following the success last year of a film designed to help inshore fishermen prepare for MCA safety code inspections, The Seafarer’s Charity has provided funds to make three new short films for all fishermen on different aspects of safe fishing operations. 

The three films – on looking after lifting gear, working safely in enclosed spaces, and stability issues for small vessels – were filmed on a wide variety of UK fishing vessels, from rod and line day-boats through to scallopers, stern trawlers and state of the art pelagic vessels. The vessels were selected to make the safety messages within the films directly relatable to fishermen from all sectors of the industry. Launching the films on The Seafarers’ YouTube Channel, chief executive Deborah Layde said: “The Seafarers’ Charity funds a range of initiatives to improve fishing safety. Funding for the new films is a direct result of the new partnership which sees The Seafarers’ Charity and NFFO utilising their specialist skills and resources for the broader benefit of the commercial fishing sector.


Lifting gear -

For more detailed guidance on the safety of lifting equipment on fishing vessels, visit MGN 332 ( and MGN 587 (

Enclosed spaces -

For more detailed guidance and information on the regulations on entering enclosed spaces on fishing vessels visit MGN 663, visit here: The new rules apply to all fishing vessels from 14 May 2023.

Stability basics -

For more detailed guidance download the Fishing Vessel Stability Guidance Booklet, visit here:

Printed copies can be ordered online from the MCA’s Safety materials ordering service here: BOOK STABILITY TRAINING - book a stability awareness course and check your eligibility for funding at Seafish: Fishing Vessels can assess their stability by conducting Roll and Heel Tests as set out in MGN 503. Further information here: MGN 526 provides guidance to help fishermen make decisions regarding the operation of their vessel using the Wolfson Stability Guidance Method. Further information here: