
Monday 28 August 2023

Monday morning in Newlyn.

Today should see a better day for the application of paint...

at this time of year, the yachts stopping over on passage tend to be that much larger in size and smaller in number...

the working deck...

of the visiting scalloper,  Las O'Doune

another visitor, this time, Brixham scalloper Our Heather...

sleek, new windfarm boat Honor Marie...

the dredger Manin has been busy working in Penzance dock...

a few weeks after the wrecks were broken up the Old Harbour is beginning to look in better shape then ever, hopefully plans to restore the overall condition to that of a fully-functioning working harbour for historic and local sail vessels will soon receive approval and work can begin after a Newlyn Old Quay and Harbour Archaeological assessment from Statement Heritage cited the national historical significance of the Old Harbour, its structure and place in history.....

mopored in Gwavas Lake, the classic sailing vessel Bessie Ellen is passed down by the crabber Francesca

work below the waterline of the inshore scalloper, Debbie V.