
Thursday 3 August 2023

Derrick disaster!

Taking up a berth at the end of the Mary Williams pier, the Acciona has her seine net ashore...

but no wonder young Ayrshire fisherman Aaron is happy...

as he's just landed this gorgeous golden haddock to boost his latest trip...

so his crew are happy enough too...

even tough there is plenty of time to be put in making sure there are no escape holes in heir seine net...

closely followed by a French catamaran...

assistant harbourmaster Jedna is busy briefing Jeremy prior to escorting the Elisabeth of Ladram into port...

Crystal Sea heads back out to sea, looks like Alec has a trip off...

plenty of scallops with...

the visiting scalloper Star of Jura...

you can't miss the replacement ladders being installed...

making her way slowly to the gaps...

shot from the wheelhouse while heading in...

with both beam trawls made fast alongside her hull...

she came tight yesterday in poor weather...

which resulted on both derricks...

collapsing under the strain...

she heads for a berth to make good the damage...

closely watched by fellow skippers and crew... 

as she makes her way in through the gaps.