
Friday 16 June 2023

Not quite a flaming June #FishyFriday morning in Newlyn.

Four hours into the light and the day is looking good...

with a market pretty much end-to-end with fish...

including this good shot of turbot from the Stelissa's trip...

which also featured a smattering of monk cheeks...

and a solitary blue shark...

while the Twlight III made a good landing of witches from her trip, which may be the last for some time having been towed in by the Treevssa IV after her main engine seized while fishing west of Scilly...

red mullet...

and langoustine helped make a quality landing...

the same going for all the inshore boats like the Spirited Lady III all making he best of the settled weather to put in the time...

what's yer favourite colour blue...

at this time of year megrims make up a bg part of a beam trawlers trips when fishing the deeper water...

though Dovers ...

and monk tails are still a feature of the landing sheet...

unlike the news with the handliners chasing mackerel, this box pretty much sums up the landings of these summertime fish a the moment...

so many of the boats have been successfully chasing pollack instead, though having to travel a air way off in manybcases...

though not as far as young Mr Smith of course...

both sides of the turbot...

and a sign from the Dovers...

the season for turbot is short lived at this time of year so those that do chase them try and make the most of the time they have......

let's hope there is more than just an empty landings sheet over the weekend for Monday's market...

no doubt the big grey boat is hoping to sniff out some illicit imports over the coming weeks...

the pontoon berths are up to capacity, the Sandy Cove Project would effectively double the size of the harbour and allow for many more visitors than the harbour can contend with at the moment...

and provide plenty of space for boats like this sardine boat to repair their gear...

it's a hazy bay that is home to the Mount this morning.