
Friday 23 June 2023

Fine #FishyFriday in Newlyn

It's that time of year when boats need to go on the hard, dry out over a tide and have their bottoms scrubbed, anodes replaced and stern tube checked...

it's also the time of year when spiders abound...

so it's good to see young Jamie on the Islander..

keeping another store pot full of spiders steady...

as he and father Mick...

load up a tub...

though not for anyone with a fear of arachnids perhaps...

ready for the transport...

and it's always good to see some innovative recycling of harbour boxes...

news that the water temperature in the North Atlantic are at record levels may have something to do with the number of species that seem to have dramatically changed in numbers on the ground, unlike the spiders from the Islander, this haul is from Matt's New Venture an inshore trawler - the seabed must be alive with them...

while the record temperatures continue, inshore oats seem to be catching bass...

and pollack...

but mackerel landings are almost zero in Mounts Bay, though the same can't be said for octopus...

back in the main market landings from the bigger boats included big shots of haddock



and hake...

while the inshore boats made the best of what is traditionally the slackest time of year for inshore trawling...

so a smattering of John Dory are more than welcome...

Dover soles are not called 'stickers' for nothing...

plenty of fish to haul around keeps the staff looking trim...

a box of inshore Dovers tops off the day's landings...

the Cornwall Fish Direct team at rest between tides...

masterful boat handling on display as the harbour punt Trewidden II is brought alongside...

must be summer with all these small yachts around...

another Waterdance boat goes up on the slip...

once upon a time, over twenty green beam trawlers filled the quay berths here.