
Sunday 4 June 2023

Bass Point doing sterling work - the first NCI watch station opened by Jenny Agutter.

With a fresh NE breeze blowing, Saturday saw the start of the AZAB (Azores and back) yacht race - here two of the competitors stay clear of the notorious overfalls off the Lizard - around 40 boats left Falmouth at 3pm headed for Ponta Delgada in the Azores on Leg 1...

with fine weather still on the cards for days to come the Lizard punts are on their moorings...

set against the backdrop of a sparkling sea...

walking east along the South West Coast Path...

and back across Housel Bay towards the Lizard lighthouse the sea is crystal clear...

passing handy ,the Ro-Ro cargo ship Celine is heading for Dublin...

while the Cadgwith fishing boat, Bob Winnie FH691heads off to haul some gear...

under the watchful eye of the NCI Bass Point watch station...

which was the first National Coastwatch Institution station which was opened in 1995...

on a very windy day in February of that year by actress, Jenny Agutter whose portrait hands alongside other memorabilia above the lookout windows...

on watch yesterday was former tin miner and veteran watchkeeper, Tom Cullen logging every passing vessel - a busy afternoon's work giving the AZAB competitors sailing past his windows...

just past the station is a plaque placed to commemorate the loss of the Loctudy trawler, Bugaled Breiz in 2004 with the loss of all hands...

the boat was a regular visitor to Newlyn...

and the second owned and skippered by Michelle Douce who was not aboard when the boat was lost.