
Monday 15 May 2023

Massive Monday morning market.

Sunday evening off Porthgwarra sees the netter Silver Dawn heading for Newlyn...

where she added her fish to a massive Monday morning market...

with an equally massive trip of ray from the Martha Mae...

two kinds of red fish...

and boxes of pristine white tangle-net turbot...

every netter's nightmare, spurdogs - having been banned from landing for so many years there are only a couple of merchants who buy them in quantity now - hopefully, there will be more buyers entering the market now the boats have an increased quota to land...

with floor space limited on the market some species were stacked like these megrim soles...

Ian must have been feeling somewhat hemmed in by it all...

surrounded by stacks if Dover soles...

and more megrims, good to see the Louisa N landing in Newlyn these days...

the Dorys are =getting fatter...

a one-claw lobster, known in the trade as a 'policeman'...

monk a-plenty...

yet more spurdogs...

and mullet of the red variety...

the Zone 2 was stacked out...

and with bait waiting to go...

so was Zone 3...

good to see young Gary on the market...

 measuring the carapace of lobsters...

the inshore boats made small landings of pollack which seem thin on the ground this year...

not the prettiest of fish - bull huss...

more stacks from the beamer...

and top quality turbot...

even the fridge was full...

with plenty of these beasts...

and more line caught pollack...

and the increasingly invasive eight-leggers...

 fine set of bass...

there's a good chance these guys might end up Hackney way by tomorrow...

not another one...

most of the fleet are at sea, some just landed...

tiz the season for yachts...

and bass poles...

the Joy of Ladram is now back in company colours...

and just having her numbers done...

the big one is back...

lobster farm...

rear view of the Joy...

the old harbour, or Gwavas Quay was built over 700 years ago by Bretons - there isn't a single repair to the outside wall in all tat time.