
Friday 24 March 2023

Fine #FishyFriday Spring morning in Newlyn.

Big tides mean many of the fleet are in this morning, all of the netters as there is too much tide for their nets to work effectively...

it was up to two beam trawlers to make the bulk of the landings this morning...

though a handful of inshore boats braved a blustery day to land these cracking mackerel, almost 'jumbo' sized!..

there was a good mix of quality fish like these red mullet...

as ever these days, a handful of cod...

plenty of ray...

a smattering of plaice...

many monk...

and, unusually for this time of year plenty of John Dory...

and no shortage of Dover sole...

stacked high and ready to go...

she might be small but the inshore trawler Millennia punches well above her weight when it comes to landings...

time to break out the cuttlefish traps...

they still look like they are freezing...

it's the 'Our' trio.