
Thursday 9 February 2023

How digital technologies can support small-scale fisheries.

The fishing industry has always been quick to take up and make technology work in its favour. Look how the industry moved from using landmarks and soundings to adopting Decca and then just how quickly, when the technology became affordable, boats carried the kind of fish finding and satellite navigations systems that today can be found on the smallest inshore punt!

Advances in technology mean that even a mobile phone can run highly sophisticated apps - including communication and navigation. More recently, access to the internet means that huge amounts of data can be recorded and store in real time - and as fishermen know to their cost - those with access to accurate data these days means holding the upper hand when it comes to managing catch data and stock levels. Technology like blockchain and AI image recognition are just now beginning to show the uses to which they can be put for the benefit of individual and groups of fishermen - especially where there is a need to argue the case for increasing or defend quota.

Later this month the Fish-X webinar below - although focused on the Adriatic region - will be of real interest to all those involved in inshore fishing - data is knowledge and knowledge is power.

Read on:

We would like to invite you to the next Fish-X webinar entitled “How digital technologies can support small-scale fisheries in the Adriatic region” on February 24, 2023. This Fish-X webinar will show practical ways on how in particular small-scale fishers from the Adriatic Region can improve their daily businesses with the support of digital technologies such as ICT, IoT, Cloud-edge computing, AI, machine learning, immersive technologies, and blockchain. While at first glance, digital tools may look like an extra obstacle for the thousands of active fishers on the ocean, it can and should not be ignored that it offers attractive regulation framework while taking common responsibility to foster sustainable fisheries and marine biodiversity. You can register for the webinar via the link given below:

Registration link


The Fish-X project is making a steady progress, but the further success of the project depends on your active participation that will also allow us to share the updates of the project and invite you to the upcoming events.


Fish-X is a technology and open-source driven project, which aims at making the European Union fishery industry more sustainable. It is a 3-year project and has been initiated and co-funded by the EU Horizon Europe Programme. The project is developing a Fisheries’ Dataspace (Fish-X), a Traceability App, and an Insight Platform that is based on smart orchestrated architecture and open interoperable technology via Gaia-X. The dataspace and platform allow users to utilise the data for improved fishing methods, increased yields, and protected endangered fish species.


We would be delighted if you would fill in the quick survey to let us know more about you and your interest in the Fish-X Project.

Survey link


To learn more about the Fish-X Project, please visit our website and subscribe to our newsletter and social media channels via the links given below:




