
Monday 30 January 2023

Proper busy in Newlyn this Monday morning.

The Britannia V and...

the Margaret of Ladram were just two of the boats landing over the weekend...

while the workboat Trerramere had her bottom cleaned on the slip...

Monday morning saw the Annie May taking on her insulated tubs for a day on the wrecks...

while on the fish market the best of Newlyn fish like this big brill were up for auction...

there's two sides to every ling...

just part of a good trip from the inshore trawler Guardian...

and the New Venture...

gold-standard pollack...

a nice bream collection...

something totally new, four big boxes of Mediterranean octopus landed by a beam trawler - never before have these fish been landed by such boats...

turbot are a different story of course...

more quality flats...

and the rest of Tom's quality flats from the Guardian's trip...

plenty of Dovers from the two beam trawlers to land this morning...

plenty of roes to pick out of the gut cavity means it is spawning time again...

some will have come from these saithe...

time for the boxes of fish to find their new homes...

seems there are still good shots of bass to be had...

it's 8:30 and the market is still full of fish...

as the sun tries to put in an appearance from behind the heavy cloud cover...

BM127, the inshore beam trawler Harvester from Brixham...

two very different types of netter...

as the Annie May  heads for the gaps and makes way 

for the Ocean Pride...

and the Kelly of Ladram, young Stanley looks happy to be back in port for an hour or two as both boats will make quick landings and head back out to their nets again which they have left fishing.


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