
Sunday 11 December 2022

Prins Bernhard - Day 15 - homeward bound.

Photographer Thomas Troadec has nearly completed his assignment for France Pélagique aboard the freezer trawler, Prins Bernhard. He was commissioned by the company to record in photographs and video the vessel's first herring season trip fishing in the busiest shipping lane in the world, the English Channel, La Manche in French. Vessels like the Prins Bernhard have come in for a great deal of what they would consider is bad press from NGOs and the media. This was an opportunity for the company that operates this fleet of huge pelagic vessels to illustrate their side of the story.


“On the way back, the sailors on deck clean the trawl by hand. The working scene provides a framework for making a series of portraits. We set up a few lights and the sailors came to be photographed."

Discover the images of the herring season in the English Channel on our LinkedIn France Pelagic page and on the dedicated page of our site (