
Saturday 3 December 2022

Prins Bernhard - Day 11 - using technonlogy to fish cleanly.


Sonars, sounders, pingers, sensors in trawls: how do these devices make fishing for pelagic species more selective, from the detection phase to that of the trawl turn?

"These devices allow the skipper to better predict what type of fish is under the boat, and to estimate the size of the shoals, which allows officers to target their fishing action. They also give an accurate indication of the amount of fish entering the trawl, allowing officers to know when they need to start hauling the trawl. 

Listen to Niels Hintzen, Director of Research at Wageningen University, stock valuation expert and member of the ICES Advisory Board, on the LinkedIn page of France Pélagique and on the dedicated page of our website (