
Friday 18 November 2022

Prins Bernhard Day 3 - Patience and then the first strike!

Day 3 - Waiting 

Fishing is the art of patience 
Often tinged with a dose of impatience 
For this first day in the Channel 
Herring is scattered 
At the walkway and refectory 
We wait..........

Le premier trait from France Pélagique on Vimeo.

 "You shouldn't miss that one...!" 

For a first haul, this one is beautiful. 

That's it: a school of herring has been detected. No sooner had the bridge officer given the order to put the trawl in the water than the guys on deck were already on the job. 

Spinning, turning. 

Concentration, coordination. 

The voice of the bridge officer in the helmet, the signs of the bo's'n in the viewfinder. There's nothing like a smooth first shot to launch the trip.

Follow the dull story on France Pelaqique or see more of work from Thomas Troadec

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