
Friday 23 September 2022

Fine #FishyFriday in Newlyn.

Cornish fishing history in one photo; in the foreground the 14m GRP sardine ringnetter Mayflower built in 2014, astern is the 11m lugger Happy Return built in 1905 - both designed to fish exclusively for sardines or pilchards as-was...

some of last night's sardine catch fund their way to the fish auction this morning...

where a very bust #FishyFriday auction saw all three chill rooms full of fish like this turbot from the beam trawler St Georges...

almost alien-like ray...

inshore boats or 'small-scale' boats dominated the market with top quality fish like these line-caught bass...

demonstrating again the huge variety of fish landed in Newlyn every week...

these two probably scoured the rocky seabed off Lands End for well over a century between them...

with a beam trawler landing Dover soles are sure to be on the menu...

while the Imogen weighed in with a good shot of lemons...

the St Georges fulfilled demand for monk tails...

and the Ocean Pride obliged...

with a huge shot of pollack...

and a handful of crawfish...

including this big fella...

their monthly 180 stone quota of spurdog were topped off too...

red mullet, always a favourite for fine dining chefs...

Thornback ray, low on looks, high on flavour

there seem to be fewer gulls around these days...

normally they would be looking to pluck a few of these immature mullet from the shallow harbour waters...

between trips, the 15m scalloper Southern Spirit...

yet another old anchor brought back to the surface...

if only they were 10x10 and not 12x12...

the Southern Spirit in profile...

Border patrol vessel Searcher on the south pier...

the heavily modified converted 1975 ex-trawler Constructor.