
Saturday 27 August 2022

Final #FishyFriday for August in Newlyn.

The netter Silver Dawn provided a good landing of Cornish hake...

along with a good part of her one ton spurdog quota that licensed boats are restricted to catch in any given calendar month...

John Dory landings have not been the same since the Dory king sold his boat, maybe things will change in the future...

a handful of good sized cod also came over the rail of the Silver Dawn while she was targeting hake...

while another celestially inspired boat, Dawn Star landed some cracking monk tails...

the port's top beam trawler landed some decent turbot...

other flats from the fleet included megrim soles...


and Dovers...

while Brackan landed some superb red mullet that look as if they were in the trawl not more than a few minutes., probably caught them while hauling...

a rather more unusual landing was this beauty, not sure what it made per kilo...

inshore boats made good landings...

and the handliners picked away some bass...

and pollack...

sardines came by way of the Lyonesse...

and a few mackerel, not line caught, were of an excellent size...

these red gurnards look like they were caught well handy to the shore...

away from the market wok continues to put the beam trawler Steph of Ladram...

to rebuild her 'H' frame...

and piece together the port side derrick, the result of being in collision with a coaster south west of Lands End...

in the next berth is the latest addition to the Waterdance fleet, the crabber Winter of Ladram skippered by ex-rugby star, Richard Carrol.