
Saturday 30 July 2022

UK needs Department of Maritime Affairs says leading Fisheries Consultan

Listen to this hugely important Fishing Daily podcast from Terri Portmann, fighting the corner for all inshore fishermen throughout the UK who are having to deal with a massive increase in legislation, monitoring and control like never before.

Terri Portmann is a Fisheries Consultant from Plymouth on the southwest coast of England. Terri has been a lifelong advocate for the fishing industry and has appeared to give evidence in front of Parliamentary Committees, and is actively involved in campaigning for a positive change in public and government attitudes towards fish and the industry.

In this podcast Terri tells Oliver of her upbringing in Looe, Cornwall that forever shaped her relationship with the fishing and seafood industries.

On Thursday 21 July 2022, Terri wrote an open letter to the Secretary of State for Defra, George Eustice, stressing the need for him to call for a root and branch review of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), which she and many others in the industry feel is a state body no longer fit for purpose, and is currently wasting taxpayers’ money on endless consultations and reviews that are unnecessary if the correct procedures were carried out properly in the first place.

Terri gives the Inshore Vessel Monitoring System (I-VMS) rollout and the CatchApp (an app designed for submitting the estimated weight of fish before landing) as two examples where the MMO simply did not meet the standard required.

Another issue facing the industry is the weight of new legislation being foisted on small-scale inshore fishermen. After the CatchApp and I-VMS, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency are demanding that small boat owners increase the safety standards onboard their crafts. Because of this, the inshore fleet are facing an uncertain future, as the costs involved are above what many boat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        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Also misinterpreted enactment of regulations in relation to safety legislation have been recognised but, all in all between everything, it has been a mentally strenuous time for these fishermen.

With so many Departments and government bodies involved in the fishing industry, Oliver asks Terri if it might be time for the government to consider an amalgamation that would leave life easier for fishermen.