
Friday 15 July 2022

A good day for scrubbing your bottom on this fine #FishyFrday in Newlyn.

Hake netter Ygraine basking in the morning sun...

you can't miss the quay ladders these days...

the resident harbour seal continues his quest for breakfast...

though with sky-high fish prices no-one is going to be tossing him any of these tasty morsels any time soon...

a favourite trick of seals is to 'fish' down the length of a tier of nets picking out individual fish and then sucking out just the livers with a single nite through the belly...

the mackerel men had a better day...

just the one beam trawl trip from the Cornishman on the market tis morning, with only four boats remaining fishing from the ageing fleet of over 25 boats not that many years ago supplies of Dovers, lemons, megrim sole and monk have declined in recent years...

young Brackan does love his red mullet...

decent size monk tails...

squid are still hard to come by...

while haddock are there to be caught - if you have enough quota...

not to be argued with, this male lobster looks like he has fought a battle or two over the years, he said, "you should see the other guy"...

and one who sells such fish...

lesser spotted dogfish, bait is always needed...

it's a wrap...

time to get your pension sorted...

the harbour very kindly has provided a cooling shower down the quay...

aye, aye relief Cap'n Juicy!..

boxes all aboard for Cap'n Dwan...

loading time...

BM7, Monty of Ladram is back in town...

not many modern vessels can be said to have elegant lines, tiz function over form every time...

taking advantage of the high tide on the Canner's slip...

Cap'n Cod doesn't seem too bothered about getting his feet wet...

as he brushes the weed off after just one month since the last time...

Richard guides his way in also for a bottom scrub.