
Monday 27 June 2022

Sunny Monday in Newlyn.

Sardine boat, Pelagic Marksman upon the hard for a pre-season hull check...

on the final Monday morning market in June there is plenty of top quality fish to chose from...

which the buyers cannot wait to whisk away, jus check out the nimble footwork of Little Graham...

as over 300 boxes of hake from skipper Chunky on the Ajax...

is followed by another 2300 from the twins on the Ygraine...

a fine pair of turbot...

and a couple of huge threshers should keep those BBQs supplied with top tasting fish...

Mad Joe heads in with his morning's mackerel...

and waits patiently while the grading machine is used by young Mr Pascoe to help sort his morning's line-caught mackerel...

there are still plenty of spurdogs across the grounds...

and pollack for those prepared to look...

while proper summer fish like these red mullet...

John Dory...

and pristine turbot...

if only they were all the size of this huge plaice...

a fine example of a spur on one of the Stelissa's dogs...

the grinning smoothound...

and yet another mediterranean octo...

along with a few bass...

and big cod...

sadly, the door of harbour cafe remains firmly closed so there is no chance of an early morning full English for the port's workers...

beautiful big 'butt...

 always good to see there's mackerel around and see punts queueing to land.